week 9


this week we set up questions for our playtest, including some art and game-feel questions. this was so we could know as a team what we needed to improve and how to go about it. we also made the game more user-friendly and less jumpy with the controls


this week I wrote some questions related to the programming so that I could know how to improve my end of the game, some optimization was needed according to the playtest, and also some changes to the car controller in order to make it feel smoother. i made sure that the player couldn't control the car after death, so it would feel more impactful instead of just an overlay.


the feedback I got from my question allowed me to see what art assets needed to improve and what we needed to improve with them. i also gathered the data from the play testers and put them into an excel sheet to give to Jamie for review so we could easily see our playtester data.

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