week 8


this week we got our game ready for playtests, so we added a fail state other than going to 0 velocities, we made a giant wave and changed the name of the game to submersion drive.  the wave moves faster and faster as the game continues on. this adds a bit of urgency to the game as we need the player to have a reason to drive forward.


i added the logic for the wave, making it show the dead screen, aka retry button, every time the player collided with the wave. the code to make it faster was simple to implement, all I do is increment a number every frame with time. deltatime to make sure it's constant.


I made the prefab for the wave and made it a transparent blue color to simulate water. i made sure that it had hitboxes that would work with Jamies code, and also that it was big enough for the player to feel it has an impact.

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